Tag: vegan


It has been such a crazy month.  We did Vegan Mania!  We had an incredible amount of orders to keep up with and everybody is happy and healthy with their sanity intact.  I just wanted to express my gratitude to all of our customers; old 

Raising healthy vegan children (Part 1)

As the mother of four healthy vegan children I get asked a lot of questions. The questions are often specific to what my children eat. If you are a vegan and want your children to be too, its actually quite simple. I will let you 


I forgot where I found the inspiration for this dish, it wasn’t vegan. We fixed that of course. If you want the recipe for this stupendous treat, you might have to harass my husband on twitter. @stemartaen may be coerced into repeating this dish (bonus for me) and sharing it with the masses (bonus for you). Harassment, coercion, manipulation??? It just might work!