Tag: vegan

She eats grass, they roll around in it

The food, I know, I know, I will get back to that in a sec. Be patient. It’s just me since my husband utterly refuses to post recipes. He’s on strike, something about the wages and working conditions. In between relatives visiting and having a 

Vegan Quesadilla’s

The husband and I got a Quesadilla maker for our wedding and we haven’t looked back since. There was life before the Quesadilla maker and life afterward. We like the latter. Anyway, experimenting with our cheese one day, we discovered a whole new way of 

He loves it, he really loves it!

Yes, yes he is back to normal. The swelling of his eye went down approximately 48 hours after surgery. Why it took approximately 48 days to share that tidbit of information is all my daughter’s fault. Blame it on the infant. Anyway, I made some spinach pesto the other night and when the little one awoke from his nap, he was ravenous. Have you ever seen a toddler ignore bread with such gusto?