Tag: ayanna israel

Just to be close to you…

My husband and I can measure our lives in one of many ways. Recently our blackberries have become the gauge. There was life before our blackberry phones which was devoid of excitement and without purpose and life after the blackberry which trumps our bebes.

Meet the Press

The lovely Marla Rose contacted me the other day, wanting to do a little interview. It’s titled Chicago’s Ste. Martaen makes artisan vegan cheese . I am impressed that she translated my incoherent babbling into an actual newsworthy piece! 😉

It’s All About Chicago Vegan Mania

Come out this weekend to Chicago Vegan Mania.  We will be sharing a table this coming weekend with our delicious peeps.  Come and have some Ste Martaen vegan cheese.  Come hang out.  Come vibe with other vegans.  Right now, we are prepping and getting ready for the excitement of this weekend!  See you shortly!