Author: laviyah


It has been such a crazy month.  We did Vegan Mania!  We had an incredible amount of orders to keep up with and everybody is happy and healthy with their sanity intact.  I just wanted to express my gratitude to all of our customers; old 

Raising Healthy Vegan Children (Part 2)

Supplements My children take most or all of the above supplements on a daily basis. They pretty much mirror what my mother fed my sisters and I growing up. This supplement thing is a good habit I maintained from my youth.

Raising healthy vegan children (Part 1)

As the mother of four healthy vegan children I get asked a lot of questions. The questions are often specific to what my children eat. If you are a vegan and want your children to be too, its actually quite simple. I will let you in on a little secret. Make good food. I have an 11 and 9 year old who will eat almost anything I make. The reason for this is a)they have no choice b)they have been eating this way since infancy.

Continue reading Raising healthy vegan children (Part 1)