Just to be close to you…


My husband and I can measure our lives in one of many ways. Recently our blackberries have become the gauge. There was life before our blackberry phones which was devoid of excitement and without purpose and life after the blackberry which trumps our bebes.

We barely talk to each other anymore, we’ll just text each other. GAH.

We have moved from the stone age to the industrial age all in one jump. It’s like sleeping in tents in the forest and moving into a penthouse suite. Is this a good thing? Only time will tell. The fact is, we’re addicted now and are more interested in protecting our phones… than eating, sleeping, drinking. I think I might be dehydrated right now. But I tweeted though.

The blackberry pictured above is mine. The blackberry pictured below is my husband’s.


Aren’t we cute?

I have been neglecting my husband and my children for up to the minute status updates on uber twitter and facebook!

Aside from all that, we are excited because we get to talk to our fans on facebook, our followers on twitter and kewl people in general, ALL THE TIME. Awesome. In the end we got our snazzy new phones just to be closer to you. For real.

Choose Joy!

P.S. As soon as I find a WordPress App for my blackberry I will so be posting from my phone.